

Asbestos is the most highly regulated material in the world because it is the most highly litigated.  Asbestos-containing building materials (ACBMs), if not manged properly by the building owner, represent a great liability to both building occupants, and to workers performing work inside the building. Asbestos, a well-documented carcinogen, is not considered to be a health hazard unless the fibers become airborne; typically during renovation or demolition activities.  Tallpines offers the following asbestos services:

ASBESTOS ‎‎‎‎‎(Website)‎‎‎‎‎

When choosing an asbestos Consultant, it is important to avoid "one stop shopping".  An asbestos Consultant samples/identifies the hazard, then steps away and recommends a reputable asbestos abatement Contractor to abate/remove the hazard.  If clearance air monitoring is required, the Consultant is the one to conduct the testing, not the abatement Contractor.  Be wary of an abatement Contractor or an environmental Consultant who offers to identify, abate, and conduct clearance air testing to "tell you what a good job they did".  It's like asking the fox to watch the hen house.  Ask any attorney about the conflict of interest that "one stop shopping" creates for you, your building, and building occupants.